Converting measurements in inches divided to other units in decimal format and vice versa.

These converters are the dimensions in fractional form, for conversions between the various units in decimal format see: Conversion length.

Converting from fractional inches to decimal (fraz > dec).

Value in inches (inch).



Decimal value and unit of output.

The input values can contain a number, a zero or nothing.
Examples: 1" 3/4 = 44.45 mm . . 63/64 = 25.003 mm . . 4" = 101.6 mm

wait conversion

Conversion from decimal to fractional inches (dec > frac).

Decimal value and input devices.

Value in fractions of inches (inch).
The lowest :


The greatest :


Examples: 22.225 mm = 7/8 . . . 22 mm = 55/64 -6.767 mil.
The mil (thousandths of an inch) are the positive or negative difference compared to the actual value of the converted input, 0 = exact match.

Wait conversion

The conversion from decimal to fractional inches (frac > dec) accepts any input fraction.

The conversion from decimal units to fractional inches (dec > frac) is usable with the following standard fractions for measurements in inches :

1/64, 1/32, 3/64, 1/16, 5/64, 3/32, 7/64, 1/8, 9/64, 5/32, 11/64, 3/16, 13/64, 7/32, 15/64, 1/4, 17/64, 9/32, 19/64, 5/16, 21/64, 11/32, 23/64, 3/8, 25/64, 13/32, 27/64, 7/16, 29/64, 15/32, 31/64, 1/2, 33/64, 17/32, 35/64, 9/16, 37/64, 19/32, 39/64, 5/8, 41/64, 21/32, 43/64, 11/16, 45/64, 23/32, 47/64, 3/4, 49/64, 25/32, 51/64, 13/16, 53/64, 27/32, 55/64, 7/8, 57/64, 29/32, 59/64, 15/16, 61/64, 31/32, 63/64.